🙂 You can listen to or read this blog article.
At the end of the day you may come home relieved to be freed from the office or school, yet weary and overwhelmed. The frustrations are so much, and could even get worst as tasks and issues of home life pop up bit by bit, that you slump into defeat. Forget about any nice hopes and ideals of folding or ironing Sunday’s laundry, of writing the cover letter to the soon to be expired job posting, fitness or anything that requires your body to move. You don’t feel like thinking or moving so here goes the mind numbing social media, t.v series activities or 3-hour call with your friend complaining about the day; the cunt from finance, the late bus, the rain.
slave has one master and it is clear that your time bound job is your
master. Your days are spent preparing
for work and recovering from work. You become bitter, resentful, ill and
miserable because your time is not your own. This can cause your performance at
work to slip and you may experience a slip and fall fire.
I was fed up of the too many days where I came home and dropped the ball. I wanted to ensure that I was living for me and not simply for a job that provided an income. So on evenings, when I know I needed to cook to avoid spending money on food that was not my preferred type of meal, I put on Bob’s Lively Up Yourself and started cooking. Your golden time is the time you have after work. You can switch off the stress and leave it at the door because there isn’t a dog attacking you; it is simply your thoughts of the day, perceptions, interpretations etc.
Have a desire for the possibilities of actualizing your dreams and let that desire serve as the carrot cake on the stick. The first step is to set a goal. Write your goal on paper, not an electronic device, so that you can activate neurons in your brain for memory, sensual pleasure and ultimately action. Generate positive energy about your goals – enthusiasm and joy takes us far. You’d be surprised at what you can achieve when you create a light and positive space when planning your goals. Create very small goal achieving steps and then break them down and then break those down.
Secondly, schedule these activities during your golden time. Once again, you may feel like your tank is on E so stimulate the environment with music, by listening to someone you greatly admire, reminiscing (but only briefly) on a past success. You can use any nudge that excites you about your goal.
Find like minds to expand your mind because this will expand your actions. Like attract like so don’t worry too much at this, it can unfold naturally but action is still sweet. You will talk more about your goal and multiply your ability to accomplish it with the help of someone who is on the same wavelength as you. You may find yourself attending seminars, workshops, changing your life, offering advice and making it your main source of income 🙂 “Gradually, your new habit will form, until you find yourself one of that wonderful minority to whom virtually nothing is impossible.”- Earl Nightingale, the Strangest Secret. And this is how the people you admire do it and now you have become one of those people.
It should be a wonder and a curious adventure of the possibility of what if, what if I spend just 45 minutes drawing or working on a goal I desire versus scrolling through IG or any other unconscious mind numbing practices.
Your golden time pays you more per hour than your daily job.