The secret of getting change without changing

We want change we can experience with our main senses which is the effect, the end game, the end result. Do we ever stop to think about what at the core of the core brings about that change?

We often fail to achieve because we resist. The resistance is when we set out to achieve a goal and invariably get to a stage where there is a need for a changed mindset. No one really resists the beautiful outcome or effects, we resist the CAUSE. We shy away and hide ourselves from the cause. 

We are where we are because of our thinking. There is no way around this. Any attempt to avoid this reality is resistance to the source of the effect (the cause). It’s like turning the wheels of a vehicle without engaging the gas, brakes or even changing gears. You will likely get no where or get into an accident. While that example seems (perhaps) clear, for some reason the same application is not as obvious when we are speaking about cause and effect in our personal lives. 

If you want any change in your life, your mindset will have to change. The set of rules you have determined in your mind either has to be completely deleted or changed. Do a quick assessment of your life and realise that it was your own mind that brought you to where you currently are in life: your career, your job, your relationships, your living conditions and even your neighbours.

If you disagree with this statement, you are either expressly stating or somewhere in your mind you feel that life was just hard on you or you may seek to blame someone else. Blame does not have to be expressly done, it can be a soft sentiment. Any non acceptance of ‘it’s me’ is blame. 

Any desired change in our external life means a change within. It means an attempt to gain full control of our minds. If we go about treating the effects in our world as individual issues to fix we will spend our lives playing whack a mole. ‘I wanna make more money, I wanna loose weight, I wanna be more courageous, I wanna get a degree, I wanna go back to or finish school, I wanna get more clients” etc.  Aka, going after every single area of our lives in a separate manner not knowing that there need only be one solution – gain full control of your mind and directing it to whatever ends you desire as Napoleon Hill said long ago. 

When we firmly accept that our imagination creates our reality, we will then earnestly go on the path of gaining full possession of our minds. 

Ideas are shared with us but we refuse these ideas when we realise it affronts our set mind or belief systems. Be real with yourself – do you want external change with no mindset change? 

To gain is to be sensibly pliable, to be teachable, to know that you don’t know and be willing to learn, willing to change. 

Maybe this ability to be teachable and an openness to internal change is not explained by those who we see with external success, but it is in fact the driving force. If you think you can do what you see someone externally doing (doing a particular degree, a certain exercise) without knowing the driving force and mindset, you will set out copying effects which LACKS ALL POWER. Our power and force is within, what our eyes see are just the effects of what is INSIDE. This is why we say, show me a man and how he lives and I can tell you his thoughts. 

I do not have all of the answers, I don’t. However I have attained some external success and when family and friends ask me how and I explain, they are not interested, they reject, they argue for their station in life. I think it was Les Brown who said that you don’t even need to tell a person to go to the back of the bus, that person’s very nature will demand that they be placed at the back of the bus. 

I see this every day in conversations I have with those close to me. They simply ARGUE for their current station in life. Why? How? It is because they resist the source of change – within. They do not want to change and therefore they will not see change in their lives. And please, stop this intellectual folly of reading a thing and thinking it ‘nice’ – apply the thing, change and see the change with your own eyes! Once you direct your mind to an outcome, you will be wowed and amazed at your life, it would seem unrecognisable. 

I do not know it all as I’ve said but the little I do know I share. 

I heard recently that when the truth is realised those truth holders should keep quiet and enjoy life. I am slowly resolving to that. And this is where the criticism of he doesn’t call anymore, he has changed, he now lives a fancy life and forgot about us when all along the truth was shared and at times screamed loudly. 
It is why I ask, do you really want change? 



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