your story for greatness

Converting my Challenge into Chorus and Priase

There is no award for the complainer gene. We are instead judged by how we convert our challenges into teachable moments, laughter and friendship. Before coming to Ghana I thought my preventative malaria medication was once a day. In fact, it was once a week. [wide eyed, dropped jaws]. It…

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How to Bargain like a Boss in Ghana

A previous volunteer in Ghana told me that you have to bargain for everything in Accra. I immediately threw my hands up in defeat saying well there goes everything for me! I was intimidated by the thought of it. In my first two days here, my Operations Manager and I…

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The Changing Face of Poverty

What images appear when you think of poverty? Do a quick online search for images of “poverty” and you’ll see very impoverished children, skeleton frames, street beggars, 5 people sharing a bowl of rice and lots of UNICEF flies as Trevor Noah calls them. Those images definitely depict poverty. But…

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